Contact our office to pay by credit card
Payments can be made, free of charge, at any branch of the Bank of Montreal or Scotiabank anywhere in Canada by doing a Direct Deposit. Please contact our office for details on how to make your direct deposit payment. You will need our account information and your account reference number to deposit your payment successfully.
If you are outside Canada please contact us for details on how to wire transfer your payment to our office
Please make payable to Eastern Credit Management Services and mail, courier or deliver to our office.
Cash or debit payments can be made directly to our office. Please do not send cash in the mail.
Please contact our office to make your payment by telephone.
Toll free 1-800-561-4151
Eastern Credit Management Services
560 Main Street, Hilyard Place
Suite 310, Building A.
Saint John, New Brunswick
Canada E2K 1J5